This file contains all the code necessary to convert the NYU hand pose dataset into a single .hdf5 file for use by model.ipynb.
import h5py
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import scipy.misc
import as sio
from keras.utils.generic_utils import Progbar
from PIL import Image
import sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d, Axes3D
from os import path
from itertools import chain
%matplotlib inline
The default input dataset directory, containing the NYU hand pose dataset, is assumed to be a folder called nyu_hand_dataset_v2/ in the project root.
Simply unzipping the NYU dataset into the project root should be enough to get up and running without any extra configuration.
Training data is located in the dataset/train/ subfolder of the NYU dataset.
There are 72757 training images and corresponding labels.
Testing data is located in the dataset/test/ subfolder of the NYU dataset.
There are 8252 testing images and corresponding labels.
INPUT_DIR = 'nyu_hand_dataset_v2/dataset'
data_path = lambda *args : path.join(INPUT_DIR, *args)
image_path = lambda type, angle, index : '%s_%d_%07d.png' % (type, angle, index + 1)
labels_path = 'joint_data.mat'
def load_data(set, type, angle, dtype='uint16'):
labels = load_labels(set, angle)
image_paths = (data_path(set, image_path(type, angle, i)) for i in range(len(labels)))
images = load_images(image_paths, dtype)
return images, labels
Each image is $ 640 \times 480 \times 3 $, stored in the standard .png format as unsigned 8 bit integers.
Images contain either RGB, depth, or synthetic depth data, from a front, top, or side viewing angle.
Images are named as [type]_[angle]_[number].png.
Type may be one of:
Angle may be one of:
Numbers start at 1 and are padded with zeroes to 7 digits.
def load_images(image_paths, dtype='uint16'):
for image_path in image_paths:
with as image:
yield np.asarray(image, dtype)
demo_images = load_images([data_path('train', image_path(type, angle, 0)) \
for type in ['rgb', 'depth', 'synthdepth'] \
for angle in range(1, 4)], 'uint8')
plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12))
for i, demo_image in enumerate(demo_images):
plt.subplot(331 + i)
ax = plt.gca()
ax.set_xlim([0, demo_image.shape[1]])
ax.set_ylim([demo_image.shape[0], 0])
Depth images and synthetic depth images store the most significant bits of depth data in the green channel and the least significant bits in the blue channel. We rectify this by bit shifting the green channel to the left 8 bits and adding it to the blue channel.
def convert_depth(image):
return np.expand_dims((image[:, :, 1] << 8) + image[:, :, 2], 2)
Each label is $ 36 \times 3 $, stored in the MATLAB .mat format as double precision floating point numbers in a file named joint_data.mat. There is one label for each of the three camera angles.
Each 3-tuple is a point in the $ uvd $ coordinate space, which is the same as that used in the depth images. $ u $ and $ v $ are in pixels, while $ d $ is in millimeters.
There are 36 tuples per label, corresponding to keypoints on the hand. Each finger is represented by 6 keypoints, 2 for each finger segment. Three points represent the palm and three represent the wrist.
Finger keypoints are named as [finger]_[segment]_[component].
Finger may be one of:
Segment may be one of:
Component may be one of:
Palm and wrist keypoints are named as follows:
def load_labels(set, angle):
joint_data = sio.loadmat(data_path(set, labels_path))
labels = joint_data['joint_uvd'][angle - 1]
joint_names = [name[0] for name in joint_data['joint_names'][0]]
return pd.Panel(labels, major_axis=joint_names, minor_axis=['u', 'v', 'd'])
demo_image = load_images([data_path('train', image_path('rgb', 1, 0))], 'uint8').__next__()
demo_label = load_labels('train', 1)[0]
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
plt.scatter(demo_label.ix[:, 'u'], demo_label.ix[:, 'v'])
for joint_name, joint_data in zip(demo_label.axes[0].values, demo_label.ix[:, ['u', 'v']].values):
xytext=(0, -8),
textcoords='offset points',
The default dataset output directory is the dataset subfolder of the project root. The dataset is written to an .hdf5 file named dataset.hdf5.
This file contains the following groups:
Each image is $ 128 \times 128 \times 1 $, containing depth data from the front angle, stored as single precision floating point numbers.
Each label is $ 28 \times 1 $, containing the $ u $ and $ v $ values from the following hand keypoints, stored as single precision floating point numbers:
DATASET_DIR = 'dataset'
dataset = h5py.File(path.join(DATASET_DIR, 'dataset.hdf5'))
def process(set):
images, labels = zip(*(load_data(set, 'depth', i) for i in range(1, 4)))
images = chain.from_iterable(images)
labels = pd.concat(labels, ignore_index=True)
data_image = dataset.require_dataset('image/' + set, (len(labels), 128, 128, 1), dtype='float')
data_label = dataset.require_dataset('label/' + set, (len(labels), 42), dtype='float')
data_center = dataset.require_dataset('center/' + set, (len(labels), 3), dtype='float')
p = Progbar(len(labels))
for image, item in zip(images, labels.iteritems()):
index, label = item
image = convert_depth(image)
data_image[index], data_label[index], data_center[index] = normalize(image, label)
def pca(set, scale_range=np.zeros(3), translate_range=np.zeros(3)):
data_label = np.repeat(dataset['label/' + set], 8, axis=0)
scale = 1 + (np.random.random((len(data_label), 3)) - 0.5) * scale_range
translate = (np.random.random((len(data_label), 3)) - 0.5) * translate_range
scale = np.tile(scale, 14)
translate = np.tile(translate, 14)
data_label -= 64
data_label *= scale
data_label += 64
data_label += translate
data_pca_eigenvectors = dataset.require_dataset('pca/eigenvectors', (42, 42), dtype='float')
data_pca_eigenvalues = dataset.require_dataset('pca/eigenvalues', (42,), dtype='float')
data_pca_mean = dataset.require_dataset('pca/mean', (42,), dtype='float')
pca = PCA().fit(data_label)
data_pca_eigenvectors[:] = pca.components_
data_pca_eigenvalues[:] = pca.explained_variance_
data_pca_mean[:] = pca.mean_
The Deep Hand Pose project performs a number of normalization steps on the NYU dataset before it is fed into the model.
Broadly, these consist of:
def normalize(image, label):
label = label.copy()
label.ix[:, 'd'] /= 10.
image = image / 10.
center = label.ix['F3_KNU1_B', ['v', 'u', 'd']]
center.ix['d'] = label.ix[:, 'd'].median()
bounds = bounding_box(center, 525, 38).astype(int)
image, label = clip(image, label, bounds)
label.ix[:, 'd'] -= center.ix['d']
image -= center.ix['d']
image = np.clip(image, -15, 15) / 15.0
label.ix[:, 'd'] /= 15.0
image, label = resize(image, label, (128, 128))
image = np.expand_dims(image, 2)
label = label.ix[[
], ['u', 'v', 'd']].values.flatten()
return image, label, center
# Get a bounding box of the specified dimensions in centimeters around
# a point in uvd space
def bounding_box(center, fx, size):
bounding_box = np.array([[0, 0], [1, 1]], dtype='float')
bounding_box -= 0.5
bounding_box *= size
bounding_box *= fx / center[-1]
bounding_box += center[:-1]
return bounding_box
# Resize an image to the specified dimensions, scaling its label accordingly
def resize(image, label, dimensions):
label.ix[:, ['v', 'u']] *= np.array(dimensions) / image.shape[:-1]
image = scipy.misc.imresize(np.squeeze(image), dimensions, 'bilinear', mode='F')
return image, label
# Clip an image to the specified bounding box, translating its label accordingly
# Bounding box should look like np.array([[x_1, y_1], [x_2, y_2]]), where
# (x_1, y_1) are the coordinates of the lower left corner and
# (x_2, y_2) are the coordinates of the upper right corner
def clip(image, label, bounding_box):
label.ix[:, ['v', 'u']] -= bounding_box[0]
image_box = np.array([[0, 0], image.shape[:-1]], dtype='int')
padding = np.array([image_box[0] - bounding_box[0], bounding_box[1] - image_box[1]]).clip(0)
bounding_box += padding[0]
padding = np.concatenate((padding.T, np.array([[0, 0]])))
image = np.pad(image, padding, 'edge')
image = image[slice(*bounding_box[:, 0]), slice(*bounding_box[:, 1])]
return image, label
pca('train', (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0))
demo_image = dataset['image/train'][0]
demo_label = dataset['label/train'][0]
plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12))
plt.plot(demo_label[::3], demo_label[1::3], 'wo')